

Lifted from BF 24 June 2024 Sharing….. Jose Alejandrino SCARE TACTICS OF THE US During the Vietnam war, the US government came up with its ‘Domino theory’ enunciated by US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles which was if South Vietnam fell, it would be followed by other SE Asian countries falling like dominoes to communism. After South Vietnam fell and the Americans hurriedly left Saigon, did North Vietnam invade neighbouring countries in SE Asia? The American ‘Domino theory’ was used as a scare tactic to justify US intervention in South Vietnam. When South Vietnamese President Diem was no longer useful, the US staged a coup to topple him. The same scare tactic was used by the US against Russia to obtain NATO Western European members to support Ukraine’s President Zelensky. The US said if Russia wins the war in Ukraine, the Russian bear would march and take over other countries in Europe like Poland, Germany, the Baltic States, and the Scandinavian countries. Those who know Putin kn


Lifted from 𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐆 By: Ret. PAF Chief Gen. Romeo V Poquiz  I say again. The Philippines is not the enemy of China in the South China Sea. It is the mighty USA. Why do you think China harasses Filipino citizens doing resupply missions to the Ayungin Shoal but allows Vietnam unhampered reclamation and weaponization of the rocks and shoals it occupies in areas inside China's 9-dash line? Because Vietnam does not act as a puppet of the USA like the Philippines. On the resupply mission a few days ago, a Philippine Navy sailor lost a finger during a scuffle with Chinese sailors who intercepted the resupply mission. The Chinese towed the PN RHIB boats away from the Siera Madre, gassed our sailors, boarded their boats, confiscated their 8 firearms and punctured the boats. So sad for the Philippines.  Many questions need to be answered.  Why were NavSOG frogmen used as escorts, instead of Coast Guard, if the rule is not to fight back? What are the rules of en


Fictionalised by Hedda Tady 23 June 2024 In a kingdom far, far away, there once were three queens. The first was married to the king. The other was sibling to the king. And the third was made queen by the people. The people in that kingdom chose the third queen as their champion. At first, she did not want the job. She just wanted an ordinary life helping those among her neighbors. But the kingdom needed someone who knew what the people needed and she knew the problems. Finally, she gave in to their clamor that she be made queen. But the other two queens had other plans. The wife-queen wasn’t interested in helping the people. She longed for their quiet, luxurious life, away from the stench of poor dwellings in the kingdom, muddy streets and cheap food. But she had “duties”, she was told. So she went about them, albeit begrudgingly. She counted the days when she can retire to her old life in the city and she did not have to kiss babies, hug ugly men and women at court and most especiall


Lifted from BF Tio Moreno 20 June 2024 BLAME THE WEAK PRESIDENT, NOT THE OBEDIENT VICE PRESIDENT You should know. We should know. Because she knows.  Before assuming her role as Secretary of the Department of Education (DepEd), VP Inday Sara Duterte initially aimed for the Department of National Defense (DND).This arrangement was part of their agreement upon winning the election.  However, certain individuals spread intrigues about her loyalty and her eyeing for the DND position is intended to fracture the UniTeam— which is not good for the current admin.  As a result, BBM nominated her for the DepEd Secretary position instead. VP Sara “obeyed” with this mandate, just as she did when BBM asked her to become the Vice Chairperson of the NTF-ELCAC. No hesitations. She wholeheartedly accepted it. DEPED  Upon taking office at DepEd, VPSD uncovered extensive corruption and corrupt systems within the department. This prompted her to initiate significant reforms, encapsulated in the MATATAG Ag


Lifted from FB 20 June 2024 President Ferdinand E. Marcos's diary reads:  "June 12, 1972, Monday  Malacañang Palace, Manila Imelda and I have been reminiscing in bed – the long tortuous road from Congress to the Presidency; the sacrifices, her tears, pain and hard work that went into our struggle for power. She put purpose into my life – the life of a spoiled bachelor congressman who was also a successful trial lawyer and a hero of the last war who tended to be too carefree and frivolous. In eleven years I jumped from congressman to president. And I have just written the children through Rosy Lawrence. **BONGBONG IS OUR PRINCIPAL WORRY. HE IS TOO CAREFREE AND LAZY.** So I wrote him the fatal secret of the Marcos man – “they are brilliant but lazy. And they tend to be so careless they buckle down to a dogged unrelenting resolve to fight off sloth or a traumatic experience turns them into bitterness that congeals into a determined resolve to achieve and be victorious. I wrote hi


20 June 2024 On this same day of the announcement of VP Sara Duterte of her resignation effective July 19, 2024 as Education Secretary and Vice-Chairperson of NTF-ELCAC is the 2nd year anniversary of her inauguration on June 19, 2022 in Davao City as the 15th Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines. The timing could be, in a way, part of her fulfilment of her oath and her inaugural speech with excerpts below: "The voice of 32.2 million Filipinos was loud and clear — with the message to serve our motherland. And this message has been reiterated in my oath: to consecrate myself to the service of the nation. .... The days ahead of us may be full of challenges that call for us to be more united as a nation. But let me reiterate this — we can never go wrong if we are a people dedicated to honoring the will of God, to serving our country and our fellowmen, and protecting the integrity of our families and the future of our children. Ako po si Inday Sara. A proud Dabawenya. A pr


20 June 2024 "Accurate analysis and narration of facts even more so", ctto (JVD OCEAN)