By Yesu Ben
Copyright Amazon
Repost with permission 

Before all else, nothing and anything did not exist…
No cobalt skies and stars above nor hellish fire and mist.
What kept the firmament within the bounds of boundless sea?
What meant not death nor time and space nor life nor he nor she?
An entirety shrouded in gloom and murk that sought no light
Nature in slumber deep in the husk covered seed of night.

But who is the Perceiver? Who is He that is perceived?
And who is the one Seer who knows and is not deceived?
The One before diverse and multiple creation sprang?
He who gazed into the eyes of eternity and sang
About where the foundations of this universe are laid,
And thus beheld the ripeness as the ancients have portrayed?

It was the I AM, the most High Priest, whose evidence
Of higher I AMs brings to light the full adolescence
Of the continual Returnee, then, now, ever shall be
The One destined to be the underling of change and the
Slave of time and of space until dies out the burning lamp,
When the soldier at last weary retreats back to his camp.

In cognizant sleep, unveiling the shrouded inner Self,
Bestowing it with purpose, guiding it to his true self.
Not knowing its necessity, it sleeps in boundless flight;
The influence of purpose heaving past his stunted sight.
Unconsciousness afloat in the in-breath of creation
And dissolving thus into the out-breath of destruction.

In every expression, the seen  or  the invisible,
The continual pilgrimage of inner good and evil,
Being and non-being, unconscious and omnipresent,
The unseen Father, Son in flesh, Holy Ghost in ascent,
Shall rule as one without decree with verdicts just and fair ,
And who will lend deaf ears to all petitions and prayers.

Who built the flesh? Who caused the breaking of the dawn of days
To whom the universe entire kneels low and then obeys?
Who, rested in unconscious bliss, formed from non-form to form,
Soundless sleep save for perennial breath remains untransformed,
Unaltered by the outer world, in sleep dispassionate,
Waiting for shedding off with restlessness to tolerate.

Germination yet not launched, conception yet to commence,
Eve as mother but Adam fathered not nor in pretence
Compelled her womb to distend as the unborn aspect hides
In Mother Eve’s divine bosom vibrating side to side
To cause impassive Being to augment and to expand
Within the uterine comfort of Adam’s perfect land.

The sparks of night shoot forth like blazing sunwebs that disperse
Darkness within the vibrant seed that bears the universe
In soul and core dividing two to three and three to four
And falls into its mother’s lap who cradles it before
An iron shrine and numinous force of its commandments,
Allowing it to suck the curd from the full breasts of lament.

The radiant child of glory born to liberate all men
Will have his roots throughout the depths of mind and then again,
Shall banish darkness and its essence wind and fire and earth
Into the depths of the ocean of immortal rebirth
Where lies the limits of earthly and measurable space,
Arising as the Son extending purity and grace.

Living breathing pulsating spirit of Evolving Light
The dark essence in the flickering candle flame of night
Fastening itself to the two like buttons sewn to coat,
Infusing firmly into each the yearning to devote
To guarantee evolution and final emergence
Of the emergent Soul’s earthly structure and divergence.

To become its vehicle through harshest terrains and climes
Merging emotions, mind and space, as well as thought and time.
A Trinity arises thus within the conscious Soul:
The vehicle of flesh and Mind and of a person whole.
The first Seer, the now conscious Son, the Holy Child rides
Garmented outside but standing naked in the inside.

His first step shook the galaxies, and every star did stoop
His hollow footprint made its mark upon the muddied soup.
A restless brilliance surrounded him and worlds were overcome
To behold the immortal Son and they must all succumb.
Alas! Arrives the second Death with cross and crown and pain
To rob him of his memory and slash him in the vein.

Yet holy breath perseveres with unconscious dreamless sleep
Keeping innate fire ablaze that the hungry Son may reap,
The desire to return to Mother’s bosom rings intense
Until the sleeping Lord, the prince, releases all pretence
To merge with and thus reflect his thirsting effulgent self
Embracing all infinitude – the little self and Self.

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