From Caloy Bueno

When you look at the political developments happening almost simultaneously and seemingly spontaneously, it is easy to become confused and even led to different or unexpected 'conclusions' ~ but usually, that's only because there is the tendency to 'jump to confusion' (rather than a definite or correct conclusion)!
In politics, nothing is ever really how things look like ~ because that's what the "smoke and mirrors" device was invented for! Or if you wish to be clearer, just refer to Sun Tzu's sayings ~ especially about confusing the enemy. In war and in peace, in politics and in love, deception has always been a stock practice in trade. Therefore, it's very easy to jump to conclusions (or confusion!) ~ and be mistaken or misled.
When things don't make any sense, that's because it was meant that way ~ for a purpose. That purpose is hidden, of course, and the purported (or discerned by others) purpose is just a convenient cover for the real one. Only when everything is finally revealed (or when the time allotted for the deception is up), is when the real purpose makes itself manifest.
If you try to analyze what's really going on, follow the logic. Not the emotions or sentimentality (that Filipinos are very prone to) that only becloud the issues or the matter at hand. And of course, there are always bits and pieces of information that are put out there by certain people trying to make the event or development even more confusing or muddied up. When you fall for those "tidbits" and "indicators" (which usually don't follow or support the logic), then you're already well on the way toward making the wrong conclusion or will be jumping to confusion!
Always be patient. Nothing ever happens without a true reason or reasons ~ and, as always, most things are connected or related to each other. Logic is the only way that all these things can really be revealed for what they are. Emotions and sentiments only serve to remind you that you are still human ~ not always that you are right in what you think, because thinking is usually ruled by logic.

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