The Glory that Binds Us

The Glory that Binds Us
(A eulogy to the deadly virus)
By Rado Gatchalian

“Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.”
~ Bertrand Russell, philosopher

We are born not once, not twice,
But every morning and night.
When this delicate life wants to collapse,
Wants to resign,
We hold in our hands the dearest among we love.
When death wants us to depart
We hold our last breath 
So that our sons and daughters live.
As we pick the small pieces that bind us
We surrender our strength to peace;
But we will never ever give up
So that those who are below, one day,
Can thrive and bring the same content.
If we ever survive — and win over the absurd,
Over the travesty of confused facts —
We shall all unite, one morning,
And proclaim “enough.”
But we are born — not to die — but to live
The very definition of what we call Love;
When we live but never love,
We are already three parts dead.

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