Lifted from Caloy Bueno

Why is the world so corrupted now? Greed for material comforts is so out of control . . .
And so is stupidity.
Even religious faith can't be trusted anymore to forsake the material for the spiritual values. Journalism, supposedly the last bastion of truth, has already been so debased by corruption and the pursuit of material and/or popular advancement without scruples or morals. Government is even worse ~ politics have become the absolute pits of human depravity.
And the home ~ the 'first (and ultimate) frontier' of basic human development toward an enlightened society of mankind, is so distracted or pulled in so many directions simultaneously that no one can really cope ~ thus resorting to that most common fallback: the path of least resistance (or the easiest/most convenient ways) to resolving the confusing tangles of problems assaulting the home/family at all fronts (social, economic, cultural, political, religious, scientific/technical, etc.) ~ even if these resolutions or 'workarounds' are wrong and/or unethical, even immoral.
Is it any wonder then why the world is thoroughly fucked up now, and that perhaps we really cannot avoid having all of it blow up in our faces ~ sometime sooner rather than later? (Maybe WW3 is already right around the corner ~ Nuclear Armageddon!)
And here we are, just unable to help it ~ we just keep doing the same wrong things and saying the same bullshit that get everyone riled up or even going for each other's jugulars ~ proving that man, who was ostensibly given 'dominion' over all creation, shows himself to be the worst animal ever to walk the face of the earth . . .
And when finally we're all gone from here, whatever is left (if anything survives) will breathe a collective sigh of relief ~ and just let nature take over again ~ for good. Man had been given his chances (many, many times throughout our evolution) ~ but we always managed to fuck it up, big-time, every time. We always chose 'hell' ~ but at the same time supplicating (in vain) for 'heaven' ~ as if anybody was listening . . .
Man doesn't accept that his redemption or salvation really depends on his own self-transformation, the transcendence of all his own weaknesses and faults ~ and accepting the challenge of leading others toward the right path: the path of true enlightenment and peace. But we had to invent external entities ~ to worship to; to seek solace from, and take refuge under for protection and graces; to request for material gratification; and even moral 'vindication' which only make all of us unavoidably colliding against each other, making our whole society a gladiatorial arena for the viewing 'pleasure' or 'mercy' of those same external entities (who are actually absent because we only made them up, in the first place) . . .
Do you really know what death is? It is the ultimate reset to absolute zero ~ total oblivion. Just nothingness. Human life means something ~ only because of our memories. And the will to live forward in time, meeting all challenges ~ which, if it doesn't kill us, make us better. Until we hit that ultimate reset ~ back to absolute zero. Those who survive after us carry on our memories, and make more. That's how we continue to prevail against total oblivion ~ but once the end of mankind arrives, we all descend into the dark abyss of nothingness: total oblivion.
Then it's as if we never even existed . . .

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