17th Philippines President

By JP Noriega


The result of this election is a clear manifestation and classic example of the Latin Maxim "Vox populi, vox Dei".. roughly translated.."the voice of the people is the voice of God."

I pray and I fervently hope that those who campaigned against BBM & SARA will respect the people's choice. 

Tama na sana o tama na muna ang mga bangayan, siraan, sisihan. We've had enough of that the last 6 years. Magkaisa at magtulungan na muna ang lahat – habang patuloy sa pagiging mapagmatiyag.


Lifted from Hedda Tady
May 8, 2022

If you are wondering what this has been all about, well, it is beyond politics. It is about : this family is just like any other family. Just like any other Filipino family. You don’t know what their sins are. In the first place, have we all accounted for each of ours? The whole of our lifetime? If yes, and in your own rubric, that you have tested through the lens of others, you come out to be sinless and perfect, then by all means, heckle this family away, and write the father off as nonviable as a leader. 

But in case you find a morsel of a doubt in your own perfect morality, life achievements, skills and merit to lead, then please, once and for all, still your tongue, get off your keyboard and let us all go work on ourselves FIRST. 

#Rise Rise Pilipino

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