Lifted from JVDO
ctto sir Joe
What the WHO pandemic treaty means is that WHO will assume full control of the health policies and systems of countries that ratify it.
My Republican sources tell me that if President Biden signs the treaty, the US will withdraw from and cut its funding to WHO when they regain control of the US Congress in Nov 2022, and, hopefully, the White House in 2024, because the American people will never agree to give up control of its health system to an international body like WHO that has lost its credibility.
My advice to the Senate and the incoming president is not to surrender, as the Brazilian president just announced it won’t do. our national sovereignty to an outside body because we are perfectly capable of handling a pandemic by ourselves. We must never allow ourselves to be dictated by an outside body which, for all we know, is controlled by big Pharma interests. Once the Senate ratifies the WHO pandemic treaty, it becomes part of our municipal law.
The other implication is how the WHO treaty will affect the basic rights of individuals enshrined in the 1987 Constitution. And if our leaders don’t follow the dictates of WHO, a UN specialised agency, in violation of the treaty our Senate ratified, would our leaders not be subject to UN sanctions under the treaty?
I view the WHO pandemic treaty as the first measure towards a world government that Deep State members of the Davos Club would like to impose on countries by obliging countries to give up portions of their national sovereignty and their citizens to give up individual rights. Its implications are wide and far-ranging. If the ICC can claim to decide human rights violations and bring to justice leaders who violate them in countries where it deems their justice system do not function, the WHO pandemic treaty can claim the same regarding health matters and can penalize its leaders who do not follow its dictates.
I hope the incoming president, BBM, appoints a sharp and astute DOH secretary who can stand up to WHO, one who is known and respected abroad and enjoys the confidence of his local peers.
CTTO Sir Joe