On Students Threat To Walk Out
Lifted from Caloy Bueno
May 13, 2022
For students (particularly in elite schools) threatening walkouts and class suspensions ~ in protest over the majority decision of the Filipino electorate for a Marcos presidency coming up next:
You're actually threatening to make yourselves irrelevant, insofar as your own futures are concerned. If that's what you really want to do to yourselves, if that's what you really believe in as being the most important thing/issue in your young lives now ~ it really doesn't matter:
> Not to the Filipino people, who only voted their own choices, as is their sovereign right as tax-paying citizens of the Republic. As the youth and students, even though you do have a stake and part in the future of this country ~ you should not think or believe that the country, the Filipino nation/society, or the government/State owe any of you and have any further obligation to entitle you any more than what you deserve and already have availed of ~ which is the privilege of according you access to the educational training of your choice ~ but certainly not the wherewithal to unduly influence (or threaten) the political status and conditions of normality and regularity, as defined and upheld by our laws, customs and traditions, as well as by the very basic modality of decency as human beings (just like everyone else) living in our own society. Particularly as being the young and as students, you haven't actually proven anything of yourselves yet to our Republic ~ except for being among the privileged. But if you take away the honor in that ~ by irresponsibly and regrettably throwing away such privilege as being unworthy of you, then perhaps you should realize that you don't actually deserve it;
> Not to the government, because it is not government that is ultimately responsible for your own future ~ you yourselves are, individually and collectively (as the so-called "hope of the future"). The government has the duty and obligation to help and guide all of you only toward being enabled to fulfill your own future ~ not your misguided political foolhardiness or clueless radicalism;
> But also, honestly ask yourselves the following questions ~ What do your parents really think? What would they really want ~ for you? If you believe that they would want you to throw away your own future, then hopefully you would become parents yourselves someday ~ in order to come face-to-face with the reality of parenthood, and even the extent of significance that your as-yet puny lives have, particularly as far as your own parents are concerned . . .
#PagMayTime 🇵ðŸ‡