Perfect Storm by Caloy

Lifted from Caloy Bueno 
May 13, 2022

Apparently, even before BBM gets to formally assume the Presidency of our country, the losing oppositionists (particularly the 'kakampinks') are even now working toward inducing or producing a so-called "PERFECT STORM" ~ of/from (1) political pressure and protests from the liberals-elites coalition; (2) the Catholic Church hierarchy's 'broadsides' from the pulpit on the incoming BBM administration (and including the outgoing PRRD administration); and (3) the belligerent and diametrically-opposing leftists/radicalized labor and student activists.
But the Unity Team, which is currently hard at work on completing the formation of its governance team and finalizing its core programs and services menu for the Filipino people, will not have to face that so-called "perfect storm" ~ because the people will, on social media! As said before, the Filipino people will stand up for and defend its electoral choice ~ against whoever will attempt to subvert it or try to make a mockery of the validity of their exercise of suffrage just past.
In effect, the people are ready for anything ~ and they want it to be known to all and sundry:
#PagMayTime 🇵🇭

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