Lifted from Kenly Sanity

I was just curious how the coat of arms of the most of prominent Philippines institutions have a lot in common. 

The Iberian Penensula which includes Castille and Leon(now Spain) during the period of Reconquista 13th-15th Century has these landmark.

The Lion and Castle were obvious resemblance to most of our institution/businesses Coat of Arms.
What about the Sun and 3 Stars and Eagle?

My theory:
1. 3 Stars represents Finance, Religion, Politics/Military like Washington, Vatican, Bank of England.

2. Sun symbolized the Star People(old Jews who claimed to own the Solomon's Treasure but they were the Jesuits who include the Borgia clan.

And from my previous post, the newly appointed Pope was Rodrigo Borja (Borgia) as Pope Alexander VI in August 1492 right after Spain completed it's Reconquista and after the mysterious death of Pope Innocent VIII. A week after, Explorer Christopher Columbus sailed in search for the New World but secretly it was the Ophir which he was trying to find.

3. Eagle represents America- the new Colonizer but with the same Masters.

So, sa tingin nyo ba naging malaya tayo? 

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