Filos Before and Today

Lifted from FB
Authored by Caloy Bueno
June 22, 2022

Why are many Filipinos (particularly toward the more senior portions of the populace) different today ~ compared to during the years of the yellow rule?
Well, for one thing, those who are older now a few decades ago were younger ~ and striving to make it in life, therefore hard at work to improve their own lots (in the midst of rising competition pressures). They (we) couldn't be bothered with so much politics (which were also different then, more complicated). But the biggest factor was that there was still no really common channel or avenue of expression ~ much of the public discourse was largely 'submerged' or out of/beyond the public limelight (because the limelight or centerstage was always hogged by the big influencers/politicians or glamorous airheads and wannabes), so all the views and opinions of the public at large were "under the radar" whether relative to the leaders/opinion makers or to the rest of the public itself.
When the gamechanger mode of popular communication ~ social media ~ impacted on the general public, it was during the very incompetent and very corrupt abnoy administration. The poor guy never actually realized what he was maneuvered into doing for the yellow-backed influencers/manipulators ~ when he was televised talking to Marimar at the wake of his dead mother (Cory), it could be discerned that he really took delight (if albeit trying to hide it, in consideration of the atmosphere of gloom and doom they were in at the moment) in being considered as standard-bearer for the LPs ~ primarily because Marimar did not feel confident enough to win on his own (and he didn't!).  But it was really a textbook example of the Peter Principle ~ some people really have lower levels of competencies compared to others or all people have differing levels of competencies. And abnoy's level was . . .  well, not even level!
Today, more Filipinos are better-equipped to speak their own minds ~ because they now more actively (and more conveniently) look for sources of information to bolster what they natively know (or be able to confirm and complement such native knowledge with additional, other or updated information). Because of that, they get to become more proud ~ for being able to witness for themselves that there is more to life than just what they know or their own worlds. And when people are proud, they tend to "go out" from themselves (or from 'hiding') ~ and really interact confidently with more people, which results in even more learning and "ramping up" in terms of knowledge gained and shared.
What happened to the 'wokes' (the younger set)? Well, they were trapped in the yellow world/universe ~ influenced since from a very young age (literally still with milk on their lips), they couldn't be blamed for firmly believing that what they were told was everything but lies. The older people knew it ~ but didn't bother to challenge anything simply because (1) there was no common avenue/channel of communication for expressing their own views or disagreement; (2) there was no cogent reason to go against prevalent beliefs; and (3) what was there to gain, anyway? The crooks were all over the place ~ and they resented anyone who tried to overturn the "buffet table of plenty" (the government cornucopia of plunder-for-the-taking by anyone bold or smart enough to get away with it).
This is why the yellows are so against social media ~ and have taken pains to try to be 'masters' of it (for their own purposes of course). They invented the label that everyone who go against them are "trolls" and "paid hacks" ~ the cancel culture ~ not real human beings. This is the logical extension of their elitism ~ they're the only ones who should really matter ~ because they have the power, goddamn it, and no one should forget that! However, they did lose it ~ the power, the relevance, the influence, everything (even also their 'good looking-ness' ~ if that makes sense!😂)
It's a whole new world now, folks ~ everybody is smarter, is more confident (proud), and ready to take on anyone, as long as they have the ammo to be able to do so! The young are still struggling with the "induced schizophrenia" they are still stuck with from their indoctrination into the stupid yellow universe of false narratives and self-worship. But they'll get around eventually ~ the young are nothing if not resilient, and able to bounce right back to normal ~ because after all, many of us were also like them before, to some degree (in the context of our own times).
In conclusion ~ these are really very interesting times now, y'all. Everyone has caught the "Build-Build-Build!" fever ~ build your own knowledge base; build your self-confidence; build your own 'fan base'! (Or something like that!🤪) Or to put it more simply ~ everybody is now marching to the drumbeat of tomorrow, which is the future beckoning with the alluring rewards of higher intelligence, even better technology, and of course material gains. While the yellows are just trying to stem the flow of deserters from their cause, and desperately trying to stave off furious attacks against them from everywhere and everyone, and intensely praying that their ship doesn't go under and sink to the bottom, even as their own incompetence is a constant threat that could scuttle their own ship at any time!
Just check out how vibrant the online community really is ~ and getting better and better all the time! Welcome (finally!) to the Digital Age, the Knowledge Economy ~ the World of Tomorrow (at least, at the beginning or onset phase)!
#PagMayTime 😜

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