
Jose Alejandrino


I had been writing about the Great Reset since, if I remember correctly, the year 2015 but nobody believed me. My friends in Washington thought it was just a conspiracy theory.

Much of what I had talked about has now appeared in an excellent documentary called the Great Reset and I congratulate those who made it and are brave enough to tell the truth. But this documentary will be censored on social media by the Deep State that now controls our lives. The Deep State is so powerful it controls many governments and corporations even security agencies. The UN is on record as supporting a world government and it will happen when the Anti-Christ makes his appearance in 2029. I already predicted what will happen beginning next year to 2033 when Jesus will return. The decade 2023-2033 is the last decade of human history.

It no longer matters to me whether the Great Reset documentary is diffused or not. The masses have already been brainwashed by narratives the Deep State had concocted a long time ago. When you continue and repeat a lie long enough it becomes truth, whether about pandemics or wars. We live in a world of disinformation and that is today’s reality. We, the common people, are mere pawns on a big chessboard that the Deep State moves at its will. As I had written before, the events we are seeing today are mere building blocks towards the appearance of the Anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ has to appear in order for Jesus to return to wage the final battle between Good and Evil.

And this is the saving grace. The return of Jesus. When the Good Lord returns, I guarantee you all those who contributed to make the Anti-Christ possible will be thrown into the lake of fire as foretold in the Book of Revelation.

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