DEATH: A Call of Renewal

Lifted from Hedda Tady
January 8, 2023

I hate flying. It is what deters me from wanting to go back for a visit to the States. But this time, the insignificance AND the value of ONE life has really hit me as I stared down at the fields, houses, buildings and the realization is a welcome one - 

At first, one person seems so big, then human beings get smaller, the houses next, then the buildings, and then a whole city, a country becomes but a speck and eventually, like a memory only. 

With that, I wonder, how have we decided to make some family, one celebrity seem so important, so huge that we wrap around our lives around what they do, what they wear, what they like. 

At the same time that billboards and social media make one individual so grand, there is another life unfolding somewhere - a mom of three tending to her kids, she is struggling but making an effort to be viable. Who decides which of the stories has more value? Worth watching? Worth “following”? 

On the other hand, each life is important. For each soul touches others. Each human being impacts others, and we can never know how huge, how expansive such impact is in the long run, in a whole lifetime and in generations to come. 

My take-away on this trip? 

Even when a spirit’s fire dims because eventually all spirits will, in a body, the life he has lived, the love he has given so freely, the people he has cared for, looked after, supported, that kind of impact goes on for generations.

Death, a passing away is NOT an end. It is only the beginning of another cycle. It is the signal needed for the next torch bearers among the young to take up the work left behind.

It is a call of RENEWAL. 

It is my hope that we look at it that way. Because it is not only comforting. Energy, after all, is never destroyed nor created. It just transfers on to another vessel or it changes form. 

The spirit energy then, LIVES ON.

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