Philippines is a country rich in both natural resources and many rare natures' beauty. Kate has one vivid recollections of the waterfalls in their locality unknown to many travellers yet.
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By Kathleen Valleser

My inspirations 💚
My sister's family. 

This is Can-umantad Falls in Candijay, Bohol. Can-umantad derived from old Bisayan word "Kan- uman" which means "Sixty" and "Tad"- means fathom. The height of the falls is said to be 60ft. making it the tallest waterfall in Bohol.

I remember when me, my sister and her then boyfriend and some other friends came to visit the falls for the first time, it wasn't developed yet. From the top we came down to explore the area by navigating with the huge vines (bagon) as what we call it. We literally were like Tarzans by that time way back 21 years ago if I'm not mistaken Tracy Sage were you there? It was a pure joy to me we did river tricking and none of us has an idea of what was this secret paradise really looks like. 

Approaching towards the falls above were the greenery beautiful rice terraces and the sound of the flowing water along the tiny canals were so relaxing. And oh! I forgot to mention about the white flowery grass on the ramp was amazing while we tried to balanced walking barefoot on the dikes of the fields.

I sweat a lot and it was fulfilling.

So, if there's one place that people would want to ask me on- "What's the best magical nature experienced did I ever had was in Can-umantad Falls.

Photo supplied by the Author 

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