31 August 2024
Lifted from Tessa Roines 

If the PNP are offended being called "largest organised crime group in the country", I'd like to know how do they consider the behaviour of more or less 3 thousand policemen under the command of PNP Regional Director General Nicolas Torre at the Kingdom of Jesus Christ compound in Davao City?

The world is/was watching and appalled of how the said police group treated the missionaries. They were hit with truncheon, cans of teargas were thrown at them, and putting some members in handcuffs. Their numbers alone in full battle gears is enough to give the owners and occupants of the 30 hectares compound and more specifically their house of worship. If the. trending deliberate chaos and watched by millions in social media is not a serious breach of your sworn duties, I don't know what is.. The policemen who are now occupying KOJC are all hauled from different regions is evident enough for your organisation to be called such... 

I guess it's high time now to examine your mandate and double check where your loyalties lie ..

Wake up ..!

Copy/paste #ctto 

PNP Statement
August 29, 2024

The Philippine National Police (PNP) expressed deep concern and sadness over the recent allegations made during the third joint public hearing of the House Quad Committee, wherein the PNP was described as the "largest organized crime group in the country." Such a statement casts a shadow over the integrity and dedication of countless men and women in uniform who have sworn to serve and protect the Filipino people.

We acknowledge that a small percentage of individuals may stray from the right path, but they do not represent the majority of our dedicated and honorable police officers. Our existing internal disciplinary mechanisms have resulted in the dismissal and suspension of numerous PNP personnel found guilty of not adhering to proper protocols or being involved in wrongful activities. This is evidence that the PNP leadership consistently upholds what is right and strives to provide the best possible service to the nation, setting an example for others to follow.

We remain committed to our continuing reforms that strengthen our institution, and this include strict adherence to the President’s call for a holistic approach to combating illegal drugs, with a strong emphasis on the preservation of human life. The PNP, alongside other law enforcement agencies, will be unrelenting in our campaign against illegal drugs, with each agency contributing to a broader effort to address the drug menace.

Meanwhile, we encourage anyone with credible information regarding misconduct within our ranks to come forward. We are fully committed to investigating all allegations thoroughly and impartially, and should any misconduct be proven, we will ensure that justice is served in accordance with the law.

The PNP is a unified organization, and no one can truly love and protect it more than those of us who serve within it. We stand together, committed to upholding our principles and continuing our mission to serve and protect the Filipino people.


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