A woman of high intellect and substance thinks carefully, studies diligently, plans thoughtfully, and executes her decision once her final judgement is reached. It takes time to process that decision with due care and consideration when children are involved in the equation. Haste is waste. Precision involves time. Any woman who went through  the same travails in a relationship, is the only one who can understand. Clarity, conviction and commitment are the three main factors that impel a strong woman to becoming "phenomenal", to borrow Maya Angelou's famous word from her poem PHENOMENAL WOMAN (Blog Admin.) 



"When a woman decides to take her power back, no army in the world can prevent such a choice, especially when her kids are involved, and it meant a better, more peaceful life for them. 

More than this cliched form of women empowerment, women whose ability to move, make decisions, and even to speak their minds and think their own thoughts  have been hampered, march to a different drum once they have emancipated themselves from the shackles, the restraints put on them by an other.

They see forks way ahead along the roads of life and make decisions knowing full well what each fork meant should they get to each one.

Clarity of purpose.
Conviction in decisions.
Commitment to choices.

Those are what defines her existence, and those are the things that take front and center stage in her life.

There is no room for crap, for half bakes, for half truths. Colors only become either black or white, never gray. There isn’t even time to split mental space between three hues.

Because she knows, the struggles she will have to face ahead are immense. And to be prepared for them, she has to be brutally honest to herself about the resources made available at her grasp, and she has to be discriminating and brutal as well as to what she lets pass."

Source: FB/Melancholic Reverie by Hedda Tady 

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