Bold, fearless, brave and daring. The author was a former DDS vocal defender of the current national government Administration and often  crosses borders with his sharp weapon: keyboard and truth. His ultimate desire is to awaken the people from a prolonged stupor of national injustices and continued nonchalance over the course of the state of the country. 


Ever since we are pitted against each other.. The seeming aristocratisation of the Tagalogs and the downgrading of the Visayans, and other ethnicity. Our Muslim brothers were demonized, are allegedly barbaric, because they are the only tribe that were never dominated and until today whishes not to yield. We fought them as Christian against Muslim, not realizing that we are all Filipinos. Religion widened the rift, and today we are an extremely divided nation. If such foreign religion is really of God, then it should have united the people. Funny that even Christianity is so divided that there ought to be Catholics, Baptists, Adventists, and so on. Entertainment sprouted the Noranians, Vilmanians, and Sharonians thru a very dumbed down society. 

 "Democrazy should not be enough to these "Indios," so let us also introduce communism, says the wicked foreign dominator! Let us oust Marcos, and bring more insult to their injury and divide them further thru political colors." 

Today we have the DDS-Dilawan-Loyalists to further divide the people, but our political idols' quest remain technicolor. We are so blind to see the rainbow coalition in the echelon of government powers, and that is why foreign contrived oligarchy continues to dominate this nation. The real problem is really with the people, still unable to overcome idolatry in its multifaceted aspect. Very susceptible to the divide and conquer scheme, which is supposed to be the oldest trick in the book. Even the schooled can not see through this seemingly perpetual predicament, and always succumbing to the hysteria brought about by the momentary trend in this very politicized nation. Influencers with intrinsic penchant for egoism, and those that made their craft their bread and butter, are both wittingly and unwittingly and eloquently dividing the Filipinos further. At the rate that we are going, we will never achieve national reconciliation, and an imperative national ideology that would really steer this nation towards genuine sovereignty. Today I am no longer a DDS, neither a Dilawan, nor a Loyalist,, today I proclaim I am a Filipino! 🇵🇭

Source: FB/Vic,  Author 

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