Words by Blog Administrator :
The pathway to paradise is long and hardous. Almost  always a man's journey through life is not without measures. Constantly facing stumbling blocks, hurdles, floods, fires, and storms in metaphorical forms; a  Filipina woman in this poetic narrative faced her foes headlong: teenage motherhood, survival management to get through the bullets of poverty and relentless challenges. Long endurance, determination,  patience, persistence, resilience are her foundations in building her dreams against all odds to becoming a strong woman. A woman of power, influence and charisma without losing her crown.  Her colleagues call her Angel,  a Friend. To the youngs, she's their M. E (for  Mother Eagle). She's loved, she's respected, she's blessed and she holds the right place on a high pedestal; yet,  she stays humble. Not only that, she is a true epitome of a modern Proverbial Woman based on her potential qualities as a person. Below explains what a Proverbial Woman in the modern times means:

"This woman doesn't just acquire things; she utilizes them.

"Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman today means becoming a good steward of what you have. It means doing the hard work to reap a harvest (Galatians 6:9 talks about this, too, and it applies to parenting as well as practical issues)." Lifted from Google.

I've chosen this quote to conclude the poet's crowning victory. Her success is the fireworks. "There's no glory without sacrifice" indeed!
Against a dark sky, all flowers look like fireworks. ~Gilbert K. Chesterton


Photo Credit to Wnews

 NOTHING impossible in the heaven beneath...

By Helen Sarita

My children are my golden treasure...
bringing back my thoughts to my yesteryears
my story began when I was a teenage mother...
through breastfeeding, I nurtured my first son
till no milk from me, I could squeeze upon
I wished to feed him nutrients he essentially needs to abound
I lacked to provide him; my world seemingly didn't go round
it bled my heart as my purse was thin and empty
windows were only covered by sacks. That was how pity was we
and nothing could be found in every corner of our dinky shelter

even tiny ashes of regrets couldn't be found in there bare it was.. it was representing me...
from there, I just learned to dream
though not for me but for them
I believe it's not late to create
a nest for my coming children
behind that huge mountain
I whispered my wishes for them
at night as I gazed up the skies
I asked the stars to guide
me in heading my way
I wished to be one of them
glittering and sparkling glee
yes, it was never too late
to build my elusive dreams
I heard the whisper of the bees
carried by an optimistic breeze
there will be beautiful days coming ahead
..and I was motivated by those dreams...
I started to carry sack on my shoulder
I climbed mountains
I shouted, "used clothing for sale!"
I made doughnuts though I wasn't good enough
house to house, I was selling any stuff
just enough to have fare and offering for a Sunday mass
..and I started to pray so intensely...
I dazzled myself to the city. I know I could be more than me...
my potential was heavy...If they can do it, why can't I?
I grabbed opportunities knocking on my door.
I started to level up and learned for more
I patiently carried my life
I embrace obstacles and strive love for my children was simply my inspiration...
they energized me behind my tiredness
I could afford to grin and bear behind difficulties
they were the reason why I have to go out rain or shine

as I could not stop dreaming even for a short while
yet life never stopped teasing me
tears were entwined in my way
below the belt, I was being hit
my softness was abused by the wicked...
..for more... I learned life.
And I even learned to write...
I worked hard without limit
in my work, I poured my spirit
I gambled myself bravely to
the challenge of this world
my journey has never been smooth
I tackled every inch of my worth
..yet I never whined...
I continue to walk with faith...
come what may
though I fell and stumbled
It's an arduous part of my path to cross...
It had to be that way..yet life was still good
..and like a mother eagle...
I ventured across the sea.
I soared to the highest sky
rising to the great heights
the storm has befallen, but I never been
ravaged by my undying courage
..another day another sunshine
to humanity, I have to bind...
my guide is my daughter
watching me from heaven
In my womb also she suffered
the indescribable pain I have been
now she is the most amorous angel with her candid cheers
she shielded me with her wings... I am fearless...
unafraid to venture my strength to this universe
nothing impossible in the heaven beneath.
now I savored my own self
in every trial, I never tilt...
until I could give them that mountain...
where I started to create my dreams...
..they are my treasure...
my golden treasure is my 5 loving children...
....6 including the one in heaven
they are preparing my exquisite crown
 as I am their endearing queen...

Source:FB/Filipino Poets in Blossoms 
Material Supplied by ©Helen Sarita,  Founder of Administrator of FPB

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