These recent times are shrouded with fears and uncertainty. The author said and I quote:
"Call it dread. Call it anxiety. Whatever one may call, the shadow falls on everyone." ~RB
Between the restless nights and the clean fresh air
For some
Between the first cough
And the doctor's visit
Between the swab test
And the results
Falls the shadow
Between the check-in
And tube insertion
Between the final breath
And the cremation
Falls the shadow
Their world ends
Not with a bang
But with a whimper.
Between the first dose
And the second dose
Between the headache
And the nausea
Between the restless nights
And the clear fresh air
Falls the shadow
We may be spared
To die another way
Another day
Yet our world ends
Just the same
Not with a bang
But with a whimper
(With apologies to T. S. Eliot)
Author: Romeo Balingcongan
May 7, 2021
Source: FB