From the pen of Caloy Bueno and his sentiments about the Filipino People.
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#PagMayTime ~
Filipinos can never be united (whether politically, economically, socially, spiritually, philosophically, etc.) because we can only function on the self-centered basis of whether or not we can benefit and can take advantage of any event or development, idea or proposition, situation or condition ~ and then seek out those who are like-minded, to reinforce or ensure that chance of achieving or attaining whatever it is that we think and want or believe to be beneficial and advantageous to us.
That shaky 'alliance' (of shared aims and goals) however is based on the potentials or likelihood of realizing the anticipated mutual or shared benefit and advantage ~ not whether or not such aims or goals are absolutely right or correct. And since our perspectives and sensibilities are compromised by our self-centered sentiments and emotions, we usually believe we are doing the "right" thing in seeking the fulfillment of those aims and goals ~ and accordingly we plan and conspire with others to attain success with that shaky alliance.
We are only usually united as a family ~ and even that can be considered a 'shaky alliance' of shared interests and beliefs, more often than we care to admit. Only two things seem to favor that "unity" ~ when there is cause for celebration, and when death or disaster befalls the family. Then all differences are forgotten (or set aside temporarily) and unity is nearly absolute. As a society and country, the reality isn't far from the modus vivendi of our basic unit ~ when a general cause for celebration (like from winning international honors, or to local fiestas, for example), we come together happily as if we don't have any differences. Or when death and disaster strikes, we show our compassion and empathy ~ temporarily suspending those differences between us so we can face the loss or calamity together, as much as possible, anyway. (Because there are those who still nitpick on what should have been done, or if others were not able to help, or criticize whatever, however, wherever ~ because some people's 'superiority' can't be denied and comes out to assert itself in times of either celebration or calamity, regardless of whether they themselves also enjoyed the celebration or helped in alleviating the destruction or damage suffered.)
When the whole nation commiserated on the death of Cory Aquino in 2009, the expedient political candidacy of her son was rewarded by the people with a landslide presidential victory in 2010. When our most famous and accomplished boxer ever also recently came out of his corner swinging with his intention to become the next president, the majority of Filipinos couldn't believe it, because as a politician he merely occupies his political position as a sign of gratitude and reward for his singular feats that brought great honor to our country (but with no other expectation of him, which would only be a disappointment, anyhow). If the disastrous administration of the last Aquino earned the bitter regret and anger of Filipinos, the boxer's delusion to become president gave Filipinos the chance to laugh at his incredible chutzpah ~ if albeit a nervous laughter, considering that some people are egging on the former champ to exchange his world titles and belts for a presidential seal as his next badge of honor ~ for their own interests and advantages, of course. The nerve of the 'people's champ' to literally go in over his head is matched by the nervousness of the majority ~ because it is not farfetched that Filipinos also have the tendency to suddenly switch and hitch a ride on a bandwagon that offers immediate rewards (but only temporarily, and actually just a pittance), and then bitterly regret the decision for the long term.
The political unity of Filipinos ("super-majority") for President Duterte is a political phenomenon that is primarily a by-product of their bitterness and anger toward the last yellow administration ~ frustrated by all the incompetence and corruption endured because they decided to reward or 'recompense' the loss of an unqualified scion in the death of his 'iconic' mother. That Duterte had since winning the presidency performed his duty well and delivered on his promises (except to the yellows who see Duterte as having failed to redeem all those promises, and instead 'ruled' with an 'oppressive' regime) became the sense of vindication of the people's faith in Duterte ~ and they want to extend "the good times" by calling on his daughter to answer the call of leadership. If the daughter thinks and feels that she is up to it, then the "super-majority" (even if somewhat becoming tattered by factional infighting and desertions or defections) may well be able to send her to Malacañang, winning it for her hands down in 2022. Then the Filipino "super-majority" can continue to be grateful to the Duterte brand of leadership for another six years. (At least, that's the hope.)
But then the new "king in the north" also wants to win as president in 2022 ~ not only to redeem his "loss" (because he was cheated) when he ran for VP (as a gradual or 'test' phase) ~ but more importantly he wishes to redeem his family's honor in that same position they lost over 30 years ago, when the Americans turned on his father and delivered the country to the yellow vultures and the travails of the yellow brick road. However, if he and the "khaleesi" of Davao City butt heads in 2022 on opposite sides of the political contest, it's going to divide the people very seriously. It might even give the yellow opposition (and their red allies) some room to surreptitiously maneuver into victory ~ and end up laughing over the hapless northerners and southerners who annihilate each other in the polls. And what about the boxer ~ if he still runs for the position? Either he plays the song "The Boxer" and brood in some corner somewhere ~ or somehow he also benefits from the "Fall of the Roman Empire" (in bisaya, "Ang Pagkahulog ni Roman sa Impiyerno")!
Filipinos can never be truly united ~ because we are incapable of doing the "right thing" ~ and we are incapable of it simply because we don't know what the fuck it is! Thus, we end up getting fucked. Because we can't be united. Because we don't know how. And it goes on and on and on . . . (like the Energizer bunny)
~ 'pag may time 👊🇵ðŸ‡ðŸ‘Š
Source: FB