Poem lifted from Hedda Tady  with permission

Photo: CTTO
Content Created by Leah C Dancel
May 15, 2022


To be different
To not subscribe to the noises
Of the crowd,
Can be lonely.

But one’s spirit
Can’t be forced 
To become what it is not.
Got to stay true to self.

Are you fearless
Scared shitless
A life of meaning
That the path you must take?

Or one that’s mundane
But not alone? 
Do you really have them? 

When you feel like the tides
Can’t be moved, nor stopped
This life was already made
Before you were born.

To suffer your own light
To get up because you must
When all you want is a piece
Of quiet, be a recluse, or just respite.

Far too many wars
Too many to count
Too many wounds left unhealed
Some would stay bleeding
Past eternity.

Was that you
Or was that someone else? 
Who are you now
Are you still there with the crowd?

Walk on, stay still
Put on more shields? 
As there’s more to come.

Alas, naked feet on sacred ground
Is all you have, all you need.
For tomorrow is a whisper
The past, a shadow. 

Rise from the inside
Walk towards the sun
With the moon on your back
You are exactly where you need to be.

For duty.
For Beauty. 

Walk towards the LIGHT. 

- Hedda Tady

The FILOsopher unites with Rise Pilipino : watch our pages for our next projects! Let us begin with, “LET’s READ.”

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