FREEDOM of Choice

15 September 2024
Lifted from Rise Pilipino 

If you choose to support this family, by all means that is your right as a citizen. You can tell yourself any story you wish to paint them as - clean, classy, unfairly judged, “no tattoos” ergo of more value, demure, cute, anything you want. Each one has a BIAS. That is a given. But we are a democracy, so you have no right to take away from other people the CHOICE, the privilege and their inherent FREEDOM to NOT believe nor subscribe to the stories you choose to tell yourself. Other people have a different experience, a different set of standards by which they hold public officials by. You DO NOT coerce, shove your stories down people’s throat and make yourself the only judge and jury as to what is happening in our country. You do not have sole ownership of facts, figures and most especially, experiences. And finally, you do not have the right to label, or call supporters of those you cannot succcesfully persuade to join you as “$H!t$”. Of course, so as to soften this blow I am delivering, you will do two things: 

1. You will pretend to laugh this off, make some more “funny” memes, joke about it in your caves, and say, “affected”? Loves, please do not drag everybody down that pit. The kakampink, especially the likes of Jover Laurio, has already tried that. Did it win the elections for them? Errr…. And I have a personal experience about this. 🙂 So, this one here is a PRIMARY source of information. (Blowing kisses to Laurio.)

2. Continue to raise your own value by incessantly telling others (and internally marketing among yourselves) that you are all intelligent (the only thinking ones, in fact, in your myopic view). By all means, if it floats your little bangka, do that. 

And to my fellow DDS (“download, dessiminate, share” CT: Aveen Acuña-Gulo), YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You know YOUR WHY. Then stand your ground. Do not become
the monsters we began to do battle against in 2015. Hold yourselves to a better set of standards. LISTEN to everybody. Hear others out. Because not everyone is voting Duterte. There are other voices. They ALSO must be given SPACE. Or else, we just become the same brand as the Kakampink campaign last election which ran on a platform of coercion and condescencion. 

Rise Pilipino
#Shimenet #tattoos #DDS #PhilippinePolitics
#Marcos #MarcosFamily #philippines2024 #Philippines

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