04 September 2024

"Does any harm to the duly elected president affect national security and national interest?

Shouldn't the PSG protect the president even from the first lady?

If true, shouldn't the FL be considered public enemy number one?

If no institutions and/or public officials will take action, shouldn't Filipinos demand for proof of life and physical capacity to lead the country?

If none, shouldn't the VP be proclaimed as president pro tempore at least?" ~Alibata


Lifted from Harry Roque

This from the former Presidential Advicer on Economic Affairs of FVR:

Jose Alejandrino 

I have been looking at the report from an Intel officer and the version of Maharlika in her recent posting on what transpired between the First Couple. The only difference appears to be who hit who first. 

Maharlika’s version is that Bongbong hit Liza with some instrument which bloodied her head. The Intel version is that Liza tried to choke Bongbong. it is well possible that after Bongbong hit Liza, the latter retaliated by trying to choke him. The violent fight was heard by those outside the room.

From both versions, it is clear:
(1) There was a violent struggle that most likely was caused by an overdose of Coke, the former loving couple no longer aware of what they were doing.
(2) Bongbong turned blue due to shortness of breath caused by stress. The poor fella is 66 years old (the double number of the devil) and a combination of stress and Coke can certainly affect him at his age. He is lucky he didn’t drop dead from a heart attack when and if Liza tried to strangle him. Never underestimate the strength of a New Yorker also under the influence of Coke.
(3) Both were rushed by helicopter to St. Luke where Liza was treated for her head wound.
(4) Apparently upon doctor’s orders, Bongbong was flown to a mansion in Batangas which an Intel officer said was a safehouse to keep baby Bongbong out of public sight due to his miraculous regression to childhood. If so, he has turned into a vegetable as I had predicted in an earlier posting. 

What is certain is Bongbong and Liza made it to the Guinness Book of World Records as the first presidential couple having a Coke fight and in Philippine history as the first presidential couple bodily harming each other in the presidential bedroom instead of making love to each other like most normal couples do.

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