25 December 2024

My Curiosity About Jesus, Mary & Christmas 
(From cultural, religious & personal perspectives)

#Note: This is a long narrative. Read first before making conclusion.

#Consideration: I am not a religious scholar nor a representative of my faith. I wrote this piece based on my belief, understanding, reading & research. I don't intend to contradict with someone's ideas & conviction. 


I was raised in the rural setting then grew up and exposed to multicultural communities with people embracing Islam and Christianity. I was earlier confused but later, I gradually discovered things and adapted to my environment but conscious about my background, belief and that of others.

One of the most popular celebrations in the Philippines (and in the Universe) is the Christmas. It is celebrated longest in the Philippines from 01 Sep up to 3 months thereafter. 

Our parents, elders and religious scholars helped us to understand why in our homes being in the community of Muslim do not have Christmas celebration. 

The likes of Ahmed Deedat, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Zakir Naik and Mufti Menk among others helped me to understand what is Comparative Religion and their writings and insights have widen my understanding about beliefs. I love to learn my belief and other faiths for greater understanding and harmony with the rest.


Jesus is central to the celebration of Christmas in the Philippines. Traditionally, our Christian friends and neighbors celebrate the birth of Jesus, which culminates on 25 December locally termed as Araw ng Pasko (Day of Christmas).

People flock into the shopping malls because of the annual sales (aside from buying gifts and stuff for the Noche Buena/Christmas Eve). I also enjoy buying great items on sale. There are also children (and adult, too) doing the carolling (singing of Christmas songs) from one house to another.

People give gifts, greet each other and share love. We hear Christmas songs on air and almost in every corner. Among the most popular include Pasko Na Sinta Ko, Christmas in Our Hearts, Ang Pasko ay Sumapit, Pasko na Naman, Kumukutikutitap, Sana Ngayong Pasko among others.


As I grew up, I confronted myself and my understanding to reconcile my curiosity and the practices in the society.

Among the most interesting in our society I grew up and where I currently live (Mindanao) are Jesus and Mary.

I came to know in Islam that Jesus Christ is Prophet Isa, the son of Mary (Nabi Isa ibne Maryam).

He was conceived and delivered by a pious woman named Maryam known as Mary. She is the daughter of Imran (Joachim) and Hannah (Anne).

I discovered that every believing Muslim believes, loves and respects Jesus as one of the greatest prophets and messengers of God.

I also believe on his miraculous birth from the virgin mother. In Islam, Jesus spoke with eloquence in cradle to defend his mother from rumors and allegations of being unchaste woman.

He healed the lepers. He brought back into life a dead body. He gave sight to a blind. He breathed into life a clay and became a bird. All these happened with the power from his Creator. 

In the Islamic tradition, he was not persecuted nor crucified. He was ascended directly to Heaven (by the power of God) when they tried to persecute him. He will come before the end of time to fulfill his mission. 

Therefore, Jesus is alive and he will return to Earth to restore justice and to defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal ("the false messiah").

The life of Jesus and Mary is narrated with a separate chapter in the Holy Qur'an entitled Maryam (Chapter 19) and in Chapter 3 ( The Family of Imran). In fact, only Qur'an among the the Revealed Books has the dedicated chapter to Mary and Jesus. 

Mary is the only woman whose name was articulated in the Qur'an mentioned more times than in any other scriptures.

Maryam, the daughter of Imran and Hannah and the mother of Nabi Isa (Jesus), is the Only Woman explicitly mentioned in the Holy Qur'an.

Her name is mentioned 34 times in 31 verses in the Qur'an, the Holy Book of Islam.

Maryam is among the most exalted Women in Islam. Maryam is considered the Greatest of All Women.

Among the Greatest Stories ever told is Surah Maryam, the 19th Chapter of the Qur'an. Here is the link:

The name Maryam means beloved and beautiful.

She is known as Virgin Mary in the West.


Among the most sensational debates in the modern world is the exact date for the birth of Jesus. Many historians and scholars believed that Jesus was not born in 25 December.

In Islamic tenets, birthday celebration is not usually practiced. There are 2 popular festivities - Eid ul Adha marking the end of the Hajj or Pilgrimage and the Eid ul Fitr marking the end of Ramadhan or the month of Fasting. Pilgrimage and Fasting are among the Five Pillars of Islam (the other 3 are Shahadah, Prayer and Zakat).

I also came to understand that Muslims do not usually celebrate the birthdays as this is considered an innovation (bid'ah). I know that there are different views on this among Muslims.

By the way, I don't celebrate my birthday because of both my personal conviction and my faith. I personally believe that I am reborn everyday, the moment I wake up each morning. Therefore, I celebrate my life everyday.


I often receive greetings from my Christian friends, colleagues and relatives. I thank them and in return, I wish them health, happiness and more blessings. 

You will understand now why Muslims usually say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas though others may have different ways of conveying their respect to our Christian friends, relatives and families.

I respect my Christian friends, colleagues and relatives for their beliefs. I co-exist with them.


I know that there are many topics in this narrative that may solicit further interest, curiosity and even debates. We can present our own ideas in more responsible manner.

If I am shortsighted with my understanding, I will stand to be corrected. 

This world was created for all of us. We can sustain the good relationship we already have. We can bridge our gaps.

May God bless us all with greater understanding, tolerance and harmonious relationship.

Again, this is my own understanding based on my quest for knowledge.

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