Lifted from Kath

( I am holding up my tears but I can't instead my tears running on my face and sobbing so hard. Salamat kaayo migo may God bless you in your journey. Yes this is our journey know that I am with you and the rest of the DDS).~ KitKat Iring


Jun Abines Ernest Abines

When Gen. Torre and his officers invaded my home and took my cellphones and PC using a search warrant saying I was a hacker, I knew my life will never be the same again.

I am now a valid target of Vangag and Tamba. And I am hundred percent sure Gen. Torre is willing to do even to the point of killing me just to lick the ass of his boss.

Gen. Torre will either flood me with case until I get arrested and imprisoned or he will just hire someone to "accidentally" kill me. Many friends told me to run and hide. I cannot do that. I have my family living in my house. I'd rather be murdered fighting for what is right than live in fear running and hiding.

Many ask me why I am so brave? I am not. I just love my country and I am a proud Filipino. It all started when one Mayor from Davao showed the world that Filipinos can be great if we have the courage to do what is right for our country.

Me, I have not done anything yet for my country. But Mayor Duterte already gave his all. He inspired me. He awakened me. He showed me that the only way for this country to be great is for Filipinos to have the guts and the balls to serve the country no matter the cost.

I am struggling financially. I am now a target of this government. My source of income as a real estate consultant was halted because Gen. Torre and the PNP took phones and PC where all my contacts, my emails, my bank accounts, my gcash, my communications with friends and business partners. 

I am being silenced where it hurts most. Cutting my source of income and make my family live in fear. Making me busy and occupied with legal defense and my personal safety.

Still, i will not bow down. I will not be silenced. I will stay on course. Because I know the path I took is the path Rodrigo R. Duterte is leading.

As long as Tatay Digong lives, I will be one of his brave soldier to follow him even to HELL and BACK!

It was my first time seeing Tatay Digong up-close during February 22, 2025 Cebu People's Indignation Rally. Seeing him in person was surreal. 

He talked to me for about 5 minutes asking me how the raid to my home happened. He told my lawyer how to go about my case in the most calm and simple manner as a great lawyer and prosecutor that he was. 

Whatever happens, that 5 minutes with Tatay Digong is the highlight of my life. I sat beside my hero. The most loved Filipino president ever. The most fearsome President to all bad guys and the most loving President to ordinary Filipinos.

What can I say? 

Cebuano will not be silenced. Filipinos will not be silenced. We have Tatay Digong in our side.

Many of us Filipinos still do not understand. Our country is now being dismantle and destroyed as we speak. The future of our kids and grand kids is hanging on the balance. Duterte is fighting for us even if he is old because our failure to stop the Marcoses will mean decades or century of sufferings for generations to come.

I am not a Filipino for Nothing! Tatay Digong once said. I will live and die on that oath. Not everyone is given the chance to fight side by side with heroes and legends. 

I say Tatay Digong is one of the greatest Filipino whoever lived. If I am to die fighting Marcos Jr. Administration ahead of Tatay Digong, let it be written in my tomb:

This man died following the steps of his hero, Rodrigo R. Duterte who once said "I am not a Filipino for nothing!"

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